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London Live
Katy Perry
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Năm 2010
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Nước sản xuất:
Mỹ - Châu Âu
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Diễn viên:
Katy Perry
Dung lượng:
5.6 GB
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I Kissed A Girl, Hot N' Cold, California Gurls, Ur So Gay, Thinking Of You, Waking Up In Vegas, Teenage Dream, Peacock

KATY Perry wants to live in London with her fiance Russell Brand.

The California Gurls singer loves the UK capital — where Russell lived before heading to the US to be with Katy — because it is such an exciting city.

“I think I would probably go to London, and not just because of the fact I’ve got connections there, but because I like the constant evolution of the style and everything is so new,” she said.

“Sometimes I think I’d like to live in Japan but I don’t know how I would get on there because I don’t speak Japanese, I’d probably end up singing in the street with a little hat saying, ‘Please support me.’ ”

Although Katy is keen to become an Anglophile she isn’t sure if she could cope with the city’s rainy weather.

“I’d probably eat my words if I was living in London because I can’t stand the weather, I’m such a sunshine girl,” she said. “If the sun comes out I come out, if the sun doesn’t come out you won’t see me. I’m a California girl!”

Katy also lifted the lid on her wedding plans and revealed she isn’t planning on having any crazy make-up when she and Russell tie the knot.

“I’m kind of a nail aficionado and sometimes I’ll have pictures of my cat on my nails and I had Oompa-Loompas on my nails when I had a Willy Wonka-themed birthday party,” she said.

“For my wedding I’m going to do what I call wedding nails which is basically traditional and pretty. Because you see those photos where you’re holding each other’s hands and I don’t know if I’d like Oompa-Loompas on my nails while taking my photos. So I’m going to have wedding white nails.”

Katy also revealed she thinks Russell, 35, will be a great father when they eventually have children.

“We’re excited to get married, of course,” she said. “I think in marriage, when you’re picking a partner, one of the things to keep in mind is would they be a good baby daddy and he’ll be perfect.”

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